!!! UWAGA !!!
Niniejsza strona internetowa jest jedyną, której właścicielem jest OMZ Sp. z o.o. Wszystkie adresy mailowe zakończone są na „@omztrade.com”.
Ktoś podszywa się pod naszą firmę OMZ Trade Sp. z o.o. oraz naszego udziałowca Pana Mateusz Łukasika. Stworzył fałszywą stronę internetową „www.omztradespzoo.com”, której nie jesteśmy właścicielem. Wysyła fałszywe oferty na węgiel drzewny, maniok, pelety oraz inne produkty i wyłudza pieniądze od firm. Domaga się przelewów za pośrednictwem Western Union do Kamerunu na dane LIONEL TINANG KETCHA. Maile wysyłane są z adresów: lukasikmateusz14@gmail.com, duvankowski22@gmail.com.
Nasza firma nigdy nie prosi o przelanie pieniędzy za pośrednictwem Western Union czy na zagraniczne rachunki bankowe.
This website is the only one which the owner is OMZ Trade Sp. z o.o. All our email addresses have endings „@omztrade.com”.
Somebody pass off as our company OMZ Trade sp. z o.o. and our shareholder Mateusz Łukasik. They created the fake website of our company „www.omztradespzoo.com” – it has nothing to do with us. They send fake offers of charcoal, cassava, pellets and other products and scam money from people. They demand payments via Western Union to Cameroon for name LIONEL TINANG KETCHA. E-mails are sent from: lukasikmateusz14@gmail.com, duvankowski22@gmail.com, which do not belong to us.
Please note that our company never ask either for payments via Western Union or to non-Polish bank accounts.

About Us
OMZ Trade Sp. z o.o. was founded in 2018 and it’s located in Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland.
We supply Charcoal to Poland and foreign markets. Our Charcoal has a high level of quality. We use raw materials of the best kind for production. We supply our charcoal to individual customers, large companies and foundries. We can deliver charcoal to the address indicated on the customer’s request. Delivery will be made in a timely and safe manner.
We have the REACh Certificate, this mean we can sell our hardwood charcoal legally in the European Union market.
If you are interested we invite you to create a partnership with our company.


Barbecue Charcoal
Our charcoal is made from hardwood.
Fixed Carbon about 75%
Moisture: Max 8 %
Size: 20-80mm
Packages : In bulk in Containers/ in 25kg Bags.
Supply ability – up to 1000mt every month
Charcoal for Industry
We supply charcoal to industries in Europe and Asia.
If you use charcoal for your production process we can offer you wood charcoal with good quality
C fix( Fixed Carbon) from 75% to 95%
Moisture from 1.5 to 9 %
Ash content from 1 to 6%
sizes 20- 80 mm
Supply ability – up to 1000mt every month
Bagged charcoal
We are into packaging of charcoal, we pack charcoal into paper bags ( 2kg , 2.5kg, 5kg, 3kg, 5kg and 10kg ).
Depending on the buyer request , there is also possibility of packing in customers bags
We supply bagged charcoal to Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium and France.
Contact us
Address & company details
Towarowa 24, 41-103
Siemianowice Śląskie
Tax No: PL6431770869
REGON: 381106447
KRS: 0000745638
EORI: PL643177086900000
REACH: 01-2119560590-41-0185
+48 505 444 348
Office: office@omztrade.com
!!! UWAGA !!!
Niniejsza strona internetowa jest jedyną, której właścicielem jest OMZ Sp. z o.o. Wszystkie adresy mailowe zakończone są na „@omztrade.com”.
Ktoś podszywa się pod naszą firmę OMZ Trade Sp. z o.o. oraz naszego udziałowca Pana Mateusz Łukasika. Stworzył fałszywą stronę internetową „www.omztradespzoo.com”, której nie jesteśmy właścicielem. Wysyła fałszywe oferty na węgiel drzewny, maniok, pelety oraz inne produkty i wyłudza pieniądze od firm. Domaga się przelewów za pośrednictwem Western Union do Kamerunu na dane LIONEL TINANG KETCHA. Maile wysyłane są z adresów: lukasikmateusz14@gmail.com, duvankowski22@gmail.com.
Nasza firma nigdy nie prosi o przelanie pieniędzy za pośrednictwem Western Union czy na zagraniczne rachunki bankowe.
This website is the only one which the owner is OMZ Trade Sp. z o.o. All our email addresses have endings „@omztrade.com”.
Somebody pass off as our company OMZ Trade sp. z o.o. and our shareholder Mateusz Łukasik. They created the fake website of our company „www.omztradespzoo.com” – it has nothing to do with us. They send fake offers of charcoal, cassava, pellets and other products and scam money from people. They demand payments via Western Union to Cameroon for name LIONEL TINANG KETCHA. E-mails are sent from: lukasikmateusz14@gmail.com, duvankowski22@gmail.com, which do not belong to us.
Please note that our company never ask either for payments via Western Union or to non-Polish bank accounts.

About Us
OMZ Trade Sp. z o.o. was founded in 2018 and it’s located in Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland.
We supply Charcoal to Poland and foreign markets. Our Charcoal has a high level of quality. We use raw materials of the best kind for production. We supply our charcoal to individual customers, large companies and foundries. We can deliver charcoal to the address indicated on the customer’s request. Delivery will be made in a timely and safe manner.
We have the REACh Certificate, this mean we can sell our hardwood charcoal legally in the European Union market.
If you are interested we invite you to create a partnership with our company.


Barbecue Charcoal
Our charcoal is made from hardwood.
Fixed Carbon about 75%
Moisture: Max 8 %
Size: 20-80mm
Packages : In bulk in Containers/ in 25kg Bags.
Supply ability – up to 1000mt every month

Charcoal for Industry
We supply charcoal to industries in Europe and Asia.
If you use charcoal for your production process we can offer you wood charcoal with good quality
C fix( Fixed Carbon) from 75% to 95%
Moisture from 1.5 to 9 %
Ash content from 1 to 6%
sizes 20- 80 mm
Supply ability – up to 1000mt every month

Bagged charcoal
We are into packaging of charcoal, we pack charcoal into paper bags ( 2kg , 2.5kg, 5kg, 3kg, 5kg and 10kg ).
Depending on the buyer request , there is also possibility of packing in customers bags
We supply bagged charcoal to Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium and France.
Contact us
Address & company details
OMZ Trade sp. z o.o.
Towarowa 24, 41-103
Siemianowice Śląskie
Tax No: PL6431770869
REGON: 381106447
KRS: 0000745638
EORI: PL643177086900000
REACH: 01-2119560590-41-0185
Mateusz Łukasik
+48 505 444 348
Office: office@omztrade.com